Monday, June 11, 2012

Movies Galore

It's been a good couple weeks for movies, both in the theatres and OnDemand. When I say "good" I don't necessarily mean quality, but that I'd been anticipating these movies.

The Avengers did not disappoint. Marvel's latest superhero installment continued with the characters from Iron Man, Thor, and The Hulk, and threw in Hawkeye for good measure.

John Carter of Mars was a disappointment.  I had hoped that the reviews were overly harsh, but seeing in OnDemand confirmed that they were not. It definitely helped that I had read the books, but the screen writers butchered what should have been a simple adaptation of the first book in the series. Why mess with a good story?

Prometheus was a mixed bag. To my surprise, I find that I am intrigued by the back story of the Aliens franchise, of which this is ostensibly a prequel of sorts, so it was fun to see how humans met the Aliens before they were they Aliens, and I'm looking forward to seeing further adventures with/against the Engineers, who had created the Aliens. Charlize Theron is definitely overrated.

Act of Valor was a surprisingly engaging action flick, with real soldiers portraying members of a Seal team. The acting may not have been the greatest, but it felt genuine.

The second Sherlock Holmes flick with Robert Downey, Jr is coming to OnDemand tomorrow. I can hardly wait. I enjoyed the first one, which was the film adaptation of a graphic novel that redefined the Holmes character. Not so much redefined, but emphasized certain characteristics that were merely implied or downplayed in the novels.

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen any of the movies you referenced but have some interest in Act of Valor.
