Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What do people think of the Paul Ryan pick?

I'm not sure myself.  Needless to say, this election just got a lot more interesting/polarizing.


  1. I like it...a lot...though I'll miss him on the Budget Committee.

  2. It is AWESOME! He was my number 1 pick. This ticket takes away the arguement the Democrats (incorrectly) lobbed against us the last three cycles:

    Our guys/gals were not smart enough.
    Our guys/gals were not articulate enough
    Our guys/gals were not educated/well-read enough
    Our guys/gals were not contemplative enough

    Well, hogwash. It wasn't true then and it sure as he!! is not now.

    We may not win, but we DEFINITELY have the better ticket!

    Ok, that's what I think.

  3. But is Ryan doable? Isn't that the most important qualification, Margaret?

  4. I think the Romney/Ryan ticket scores very well (no pun intended) on the "doable" test. And yes, it is important in the presidential race.
