Thursday, May 17, 2012

Almost More Than I Could Handle

Just for grins, and considering that I had survived the walk down from the 14th floor during our fire drill a couple weeks ago, I thought I'd try walking up those same stairs after lunch.

Hey, I'd been feeling better and stronger over the past month since I've been walking at least half a mile every day to and from my car. (That's a cumulative half mile for the day, BTW, which is a lot more than I was walking while unemployed.) I've also been taking the stairs whenever I needed to go up to the 16th floor. As a result, most of the pain is gone from my knee, and I've been walking faster without being winded.

Then I walked up the 14 flights today. I had to stop twice to catch my breath, and I've been coughing frequently since I sat down at my desk. I think I'll just crawl under my desk now and let housekeeping take me away when they clean the office tonight.


  1. Hey - good job, regardless of the wheezing! We all wheeze. Jon ran the Tough Mudder this weekend. He looked a little banged up but he had fun!

  2. What is the Tough Mudder? Is it anything like the name implies?

  3. It is a long obstacle course tough race.

  4. That's what I imagined it was by its name. I never did do the obstacle course at Fort least not the full course. Our Drill Instructor (DI) had selected some of us for guard duty the night before, so we were told to sleep in the day of the obstacle training. He had selected us because, for various reasons, we would be impacted the least by missing the obstacle training.

    A couple of the guys were very athletic and could probably do the course in their sleep. Sergeant Milillo looked at me and Strickland, and said, "I'm protecting you two from yourselves because you're both crazy."

    Strickland and I were the two goofballs who were volunteering to be the first to try anything everywhere we went, and then we'd charge into it with gusto. We once charged down a ravine together, and one of us lost our footing and bumped into the other. We ended up tumbling down the ravine tangled up in each others' gear. We popped up immediately and volunteered to do it again.

    After awhile Milillo simply ignored us while Strickland and I were eagerly bouncing in our seats with our hands raised, "We'll go first. We'll go first."

    Strickland made Basic fun.

  5. Talk of Basic made me curious about the Drill Sergeant's name, and I guess it's actually Melillo. It's Sicilian, I guess, and it means "crab apple," a nickname that is given to people with sour dispositions. That seems appropriate for a Drill Sergeant. Sgt. Melillo was actually a friendly guy when he wasn't in Drill Sergeant mode, which we didn't see until the second half of Basic.
