Monday, July 23, 2012

Dark Knight Rises

I went to the early Saturday matinee of The Dark Knight Rises...missing lunch with The Clan in the process. I must admit to being more wary of everybody who walked into the theater and noting where all of the exits were. The theater had new signs up stating that excessively loose clothing and backpacks and such would not be allowed.

To the movie...I liked it and thought that it was a fit ending to Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. There were spots where it seemed a little ponderous and I lost track of the motivating factors in the plot, but everything came together in the end, and I was more than satisfied.

One minor complaint is that it was difficult to hear significant bits of dialogue, particularly with the masked Bane character. It wasn't just the problem of the mask muffling the words, because there were other characters who were frequently drowned out by one thing or another. A minor complaint since I still got the gist of what was being said. Welcome to Tess'  (Tess's?) world.

I recommend the movie to anybody who enjoyed the first two.


  1. I doubt I will see the movie - at least not in a movie theater. We don't go to many movies but we do rent some in the Winter months.

    We were at the cabin this weekend where we built a deck, fished, etc. I will post pictures!

  2. I thought it was good. It was probably my second favorite of the three. I could get into more but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
