Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I am now 225 lbs. That is a loss of almost 10 lbs. in the past four weeks. This past weekend I wore jeans I had to stop wearing five months ago.


  1. That's awesome Greg! I too am restarting my fitness and healthy eating goals.

    You looking forward to seeing the Dark Knight Rises?

  2. Thanks.

    Yes, I am most definitely looking forward to Dark Knight Rises. Nolan's Batman movies are much better than Burton's and that other guy who replaced Burton.

    The Poynt app on my phone has been teasing me for the past couple weeks. It's been listing Dark Knight Rises at my local theater, and I'd be ready to hop in the car and go, only to see that there were no times listed. It is the only movie I've seen listed on Poynt that wasn't actually showing anywhere yet.

  3. Yeah, it should be sweet. The other two Nolan Batman movies, especially Dark Knight, were great. This one shouldn't disappoint. Burton did make some pretty good ones though.

    I had thought about doing a midnight showing, but I think I am going to opt for a matinee at the navy pier imax.

  4. Replies
    1. It appears that at last I may have mastered this. If so you will be hearing from me again. Someone is trying to purchase computer "stuff" in Florida using my credit card. CHASE notitifed me and of course I said it wasn't my charge and so they are sending me a new card. It wasn't even a card I used much. Technology can become a problem at times.

    2. Congratulations on your successful post.

      I loathe hackers, and that would probably included identity thieves, as well. I probably hate them more than your standard burglar or thief on the street.

      Whereas I am satisfied seeing a run-of-the-mill thieve serving time, I would want to see hackers subjected to continuous torture. I absolutely loathe them.

  5. Yes, success! MJ is so tech savvy!

    My American Express card was hacked over the weekend too. I just got my new one. Luckily, they caught it and notified me right away but it is so icky.

  6. I just saw The Dark Knight Rises. It should the approval of all fans of the Nolan series.
